Do you need help with your CV? Once and for all, this is it!


Do you want to have a really good CV? Not just an average word document you've felt – just as myself – slightly embarrassed about?

It might be time to update yours. 

When I decided to freelance, I thought I didn't need to update mine. I thought being on LinkedIn was enough. I was wrong. So many people constantly ask to see a resume.

You might ask yourself how to lay it out and what to say about yourself; also, you know that you need a CV that stands out.

After having reviewed a bunch of CVs, I'd say it's not that difficult to make a CV the reviewer truly notices. 

This is where Graphic River comes in. It's a website where graphic designers offer templates for five to ten dollars. All you need to do is to replace the placeholder copy. The resumes come with a manual that make it easy for everyone to follow. Also, you can easily update colours, fonts and all the other bits to make it more personal.

You might say that you don't have the necessary programs but that's not a problem nowadays. Download the free 30-day trial version of Adobe's Creative Cloud here

So, when the time comes to update your CV again, you can just ask a friend or look for a student on Fiverr to make the changes.

Now it's just you and about four hours of work between you and a beautiful CV.

Sounds good?


Monika <-- Click to see my CV!


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