Book Tips for Aspiring Freelancers.
As it is every year, I think Christmas is the perfect time to decide on what we want to accomplish in the new year, think about our past successes and set future goals.
Two years ago I said I'll write a book and I'm so glad that I'm finally just a couple of weeks away from reaching this goal! I've spent the last three weeks hiding behind the screen and have recorded, transcribed and edited 23 interviews with some extremely inspiring women. I found an amazing illustrator, a great art director and an editor who is really fun to work with.
Truth is, the ability to do all of this didn't come overnight. I needed some support to help me figure out the best strategy to finally make it happen. So here are the books responsible for my newly discovered dedication and ability to finalise this long attempted goal:
The $100 startup
Chris Guillebeau book tells stories of people who have managed to start their company with a budget smaller than a hundred bucks.
The Happiness Project
Gretchen Rubin's book helped me to focus on what's important to me and deal with consequences of decisions that were hard to make but necessary.
Shane Snow's book was a real eye-opener to understand what successful people have in common and what they did to get to where they are today; a book about system hacking.
.. and last but not least;
No Plot? No Problem?
Chris Baty's book has probably been the most important of all. It helped me to find a way to break down a goal that felt too big to accomplish and organise my time for me to be able to reach what I've been trying to do for so long.
I'm really curious about your aims for 2015. Please drop me a line soon!