It's a wrap! October 2015
I remember last year when I swore that I’d force myself to speak to the camera more often. First was the Skillshare class that Sarah and I shot in September, and now, the second video for the upcoming Kickstarter campaign. Given the experience of those two videos, I might be able to say that being on film is way out of my comfort zone, which means that it’s something I must practice. On another note, the video for my upcoming Kickstarter campaign is complete and already uploaded. I’m still refining my concept for the text and the rewards, which I want to make more attractive than last time, but nevertheless, you can already have a peek here, and maybe even bookmark the page to receive a notification when it goes live. But that’s just a thought…
However, Kickstarter doesn’t just keep me busy because of the upcoming book that I have already started working on. At the beginning of the month, Kickstarter’s strategy team and I met with a couple of German creators to discuss the challenges of the German market. It was an incredible experience and one that makes you realise that even in a globalised world, there are still significant cultural differences.
In the third week of the month, I went to the Dutch Design Week and spoke at the EHV Summit, consulted the wonderful teams at Eindhoven's Startup Bootcamp, and also managed to visit the great folks at Rockstart in Amsterdam, followed by a meeting with Dan from Peerby, the peer landing platform whose founders consider every city to be the greatest warehouse one can possibly have.
I was also invited by the KAS to run a workshop about the trades one needs to be considered an attractive employee with Andreas Winiarski who represented Rocket Internet. Quite a combination!
The best news is probably that of Raven and Finch, one of my wonderful clients, has been featured in the Entrepreneur Podcast on Monocle24, and also the news that my photography was highlighted in an EyeEms community newsletter.
Once again, it was quite a month! I’m not taking any new clients until the end of the year, but will be available from January on! It’s time to take some time off, and quite frankly, I think we all deserve that every now and then. If you are curious about my South African adventures, follow along on Instagram.