It’s a Wrap! November 2016


One of the most defining moments of this month was the chance to participate in the symposium for museums of the German speaking countries called “Zugang gestalten.” It was really interesting to learn about the struggles of cultural institutions. While the startup scene is busy thinking about how to get people’s attention and to view their content, the cultural institutions are dealing with copyrights and questioning how to digitize all the treasures hidden in their vaults.
This month, I have only hosted one intro to Kickstarter, which was in the pretty Munich, and then I gathered an incredible group of 60 creatives to another installment of Kickstarter’s Embrace the Hustle series in Berlin. This month’s topic was on turning side projects into full-time careers. My favorite topic, really. :D

I was incredibly proud when I stumbled upon a mention of This Year Will Be Different in a blog post on the Career Shifters blog, where a woman shared her story of how she shifted her career from advertising to work in literacy training. These are the sort of stories I’m especially proud of, which Berlin Loves You picked up on and interviewed me about. You can read the interview here.
I also took a few days off in November and went to visit Marrakesh. If you’ve never been (or even if you’ve been), this is an incredible place to visit. You can see some pictures on Instagram. Look for the hashtag #molikesh2016.


It’s a Wrap! December 2016


It’s a Wrap! October 2016