#Make100: A Pocket-Sized Guide to Viennese Coffee Houses.


I’m excited to tell you about my latest side project. A couple of years ago, a dear friend gave me a card game, a quartet, featuring Viennese coffee houses. Since then, I’d pull out the deck from time to time and count how many places I’ve already been to. Sometimes I’d take a few cards with me and carry them in my purse and then put them back in the deck after I’ve visited them. I used them as a visual reminder to explore more.

Then, some weeks ago I posted a photo to Instagram of an incredible café I just discovered that wasn’t a part of the card deck, and I joked how I too should probably create a guide of places in Vienna where you should have a coffee one day. I thought it would be a fun idea to share my dearest café tips with you. To tell you where you have the best view of the city, where you should go in just to wash your hands in the bathroom because the tap is so memorable...where you should order a breakfast for one, or where it’s easy to talk to strangers.

In the past few years, I’ve been taking pictures and sharing them on Instagram. And now, I’m bringing 50 of these photos out as print with little, short, personal notes why this or that place is one you should discover for yourself. I’m printing them on business card sized cards so that it’s easy to stuff the whole deck or just a few cards in your pocket.

Whether you’re new to the city, planning to visit Vienna in the future, or already live here and want a fun, pocket-sized reminder that you can carry around with you to help you explore new places, this deck of cards is for you. As a try-out to see if you enjoy this format as much as I do, I’m doing a print run of 100 sets only. Now that I have launched this project, you have less than 14 days to snatch one of these sets for yourself. Please tell your friends who’d be interested! Thank you!

Head to Kickstarter!


It’s a wrap! January 2018


Editing and monetizing your smartphone photos.